Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Recipe of the Week

The Antioxidant Explosion

16-20 oz Reverse Osmosis or Coconut Water

3-5 Bananas (ANDI 30)

1 Packet of Acai Berry Smoothie Pack (ANDI 150?)

5 oz Wild Blueberries (ANDI 132)

3 oz Blackberries (ANDI 150?)

 2 Tsp Raw Cacao Powder

1 Serving Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Protein Powder (Chocolate)

This smoothie not only is awesome tasting and filling but is packed with nutrition and antioxidants. The banana has a whopping 5 on the ORAC scale, while wild blueberry and blackberries come in at 61 and 51 respectively. Acai berries kick it up a notch with a score of 185, but the real superstar is the raw cacao powder which has a ORAC of 955! Antioxidants protect us from excess free radicals so load up!


Dr. Peavler

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