Thursday, March 27, 2014

Recipe of the Week

So if any of you are familiar with Dr. Joel Fuhrman, he is a family practice doctor who specializes in nutritional medicine and is also a New York Times Best selling author, who happens to be someone's work I follow and a colleague I really admire. He is also telling people to try to get GBOMBS into their diet. It stands for Greens, Beans, Onions/Garlic, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds/Nuts.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Topic 2: Reduction, Oxidation, Free Radicals and Antioxidants

Have you ever wondered, just what the heck are "free radicals" or what are "antioxidants"? How does it affect me? If I take vitamins does that mean I am "safe"? This article is to discuss just this and to gain some practical understanding. Some of this is gonna get pretty "sciency" so bear with me and post any questions you have, and I will try my best to answer them. Here we go!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Recipe of the Week

The Antioxidant Explosion

16-20 oz Reverse Osmosis or Coconut Water

3-5 Bananas (ANDI 30)

1 Packet of Acai Berry Smoothie Pack (ANDI 150?)

5 oz Wild Blueberries (ANDI 132)

3 oz Blackberries (ANDI 150?)

 2 Tsp Raw Cacao Powder

1 Serving Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Protein Powder (Chocolate)

This smoothie not only is awesome tasting and filling but is packed with nutrition and antioxidants. The banana has a whopping 5 on the ORAC scale, while wild blueberry and blackberries come in at 61 and 51 respectively. Acai berries kick it up a notch with a score of 185, but the real superstar is the raw cacao powder which has a ORAC of 955! Antioxidants protect us from excess free radicals so load up!


Dr. Peavler

Monday, March 17, 2014

Topic 1: Epigenetics

Before we dive into any discussion about lifestyle, we need to understand why it is important. We need to get out of this mindset that we are all genetically doomed to be sick. It puts us in a state of helplessness, hopelessness, and into a victim role. We need to understand how much power we have over our health destinies. To accomplish this we must explore the field of epigenetics.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Recipe of the Week

The Foundational Green Juice

8-16 oz  Luciano Kale (ANDI Score 1000)

16-20 oz Green Chard (ANDI Score 895)

1 Cucumber (ANDI Score 87)

10 Stalks Celery (ANDI Score ~ 100?)

2 Lemons (ANDI Score ~ 98?)

6 Granny Smith Apples (ANDI Score 53)

This is a very basic, foundational recipe for making a good tasting yet very nutrient dense green juice. The ANDI score or Aggregate Nutrient Density Index was a score designed by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. We will explore nutrient density in the future, no worries. After you get the ratio that agrees with your tastebuds, you can just rotate different greens that are high on the ANDI scoring system. I personally love to add some fresh ginger root or tumeric root. If this is too bitter, add green apples, and titrate up until you enjoy it. This amount of produce usually gives me like 2-2.5 Liters. 


Dr. Peavler

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Our mission if we CHOOSE to accept it..

The purpose of this blog is to take the research, ideas, protocols of those in all areas of health, wellness, and longevity and then organize, centralize, scrutinize, discuss, and promote this information so that we can all practice better self care and have the power to take full responsibility for our personal health.
1) Strategies for prevention of illness and disease.
2) Ways of healing and regeneration from disease as well.
3) Attaining maximal mental, spiritual and physical health.
4) Provide each other with a sense of empowerment through knowledge and community.
5) Walk the walk.

Do you choose to come with me on this journey? Luckily for us the message doesn't self-destruct in 15 seconds.
To your health,
Dr. Peavler