Sunday, December 7, 2014

My First E-Book is NOW ON SALE

"10 Ridiculously Simple Steps to Permanent Weight Loss"

Hello fellow transformational crew! It has been quite some time! I have been getting worked pretty hard since our last discussion on fats. I started residency for Internal Medicine at the end of June and have been getting worked pretty hard. Since then I have finally settled in to being a doctor and have learned to balance my time enough to get back to what I love the most, discussing the prevention of lifestyle diseases!
In my absence I have been inspired to write an e-book and put in on Amazon. I am kind of nervous because although its a subject I am deeply passionate about, and I feel I have a good deal of expertise with, its hard to transmit my ideas sometimes. I have gotten feedback about the blog and although people for the most part like it, it seems I went too deep and scientific and I have lost some folks in the process. My apologies! I will attempt to re-initiate the blog with greater practicality and less academic like feel. 

In writing this book I have been very motivated to transmit the information in it but I will need all of your feedback in order to know how I can improve upon it. I want to give readers content that is easy to get through, not boring, practical, and effective! My goal is to have it on amazon, by the 15th of December 2014. I hope you have all been having a great year, you have taken a few tidbits or recipes and added them to your lifestyle! I am going to also be trying to add video blog articles since I think reading can get a little monotonous at times. Please give me your feedback as I want to kick off 2015 with new energy, success and teamwork as we all move forward in the quest of transforming our health! 

God Bless,

Dr. Peavler


NEW UPDATE - The book has officially been published on

Check it out!


  1. Yay! Videos would be fun. Although I'd have to admit that I've been lost by the academic/scientific side of your posts, I can't say that I blame you or become turned off by it. Yes, I like direct information and having everything spelled out to me but that makes me vulnerable to misinformation. Many people read blogs and come to conclusions of how to change their lifestyle for the better but can't explain why. That's how health trends happen or how people can't find a good sustainable way to be healthy. Well, my point is that I like that you give us scientific information, it gives me a chance to have an actual explanation of why you're suggesting a lifestyle and also make my own conclusion based on your information rather than just taking your word for it.So I hope you give us just enough science that we can really understand our bodies and do our best to be healthy. Good luck on your blogging. This is awesome Casey.

  2. Thanks for that Larissa. Hope you and the Captain are doing well by the way! Yeah that is going to be the goal, direct, practical with a hint of science to satisfy the curiosity.
